Saturday 19th October
The race pack collection venue and time will be advised nearer to race day. Collection may take place on the morning of the event. Your race pack will contain maps, map bags, race numbers and a few goodies from our sponsors.

Sunday 20th October
The 2 and 4 hour events will start in the Huria Reserve, Courtney Drive, in the Kaiapoi Red Zone. Please park where directed.
8am: 4-hour teams should start arriving (and possibly collecting race packs)
8.45am: 4-hour teams briefing
9.00am: 4-hour start
9.15am: 2-hour teams should start arriving (and possibly collecting race packs)
9.45am: 2-hour teams briefing
10.00am: 2-hour start
12 noon: 2-hour teams finish, don’t be late!
1.00pm: 4-hour teams finish, don’t be late!
10am – 3pm: The Kaiapoi Fun-day, which includes Live Music, Games, Fun Activities and Challenges, Gym circuit, Food Stalls, ‘Locally-made’ Market (perfect for Christmas shopping), Raffle and Youth Performers. Order your Kaiapoi High School Hangi